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Jeff is wonderful, love is wonderful..short. (Boring).

07 September 2001

This boy is so for me.

I can't believe how....I swear this past month--these past two weeks--we have grown so much closer, it's just amazing.

Lemme tell you: I don't celebrate birthdays. I mean for I like to spend time with [them], and always acknowledge that it's their birthday or what not, but I really don't care for gifts or big bashes or any of that jazz. (This goes for me [my birthday] too, so it's not like I just don't like giving stuff ;)

So yeah, Jeff's birthday is on Sunday and what am I doing? If I had the money I'd do absolutely everything I could think of for him. I'd plan a whole day of festivities from the moment we woke up to when we'd fall asleep (in each other's arms of course.) Am I making you sick yet?

I just want everyone to know that all that cheesy "true love" stuff can really happen, is happening, is....everything you think it will be.

I've had some rough two nights at work. Well, rough is the wrong word, I suppose "really disappointing" would work better. I've just had no business. These past two days have been a patio haven, and I've been an inside server. And tomorrow I'm outside...and I'm pretty sure it will be raining.

Or if it's'll be hot and humid and I'll basically hate the world for it. (sigh).

I've been having really bad heart palpatations lately. I don't know what's up. I guess it could be my diet, but I don't know what I would have added that would be making it hurt so much. Must be all the sex I've been having... ;)

Well, I'm super tired. Sorry this is so short. Not too much has been happening.

Oh, btw, I got an "A" in my poli-sci class. (Go me.)


Last year today, I was talking about Jeff taking me to the Cheesecake factory (which actually, he never did...we went somewhere else), about my illegal charge slip scandal at my workplace (I never did get caught)and how I had finally masturbated my way to an orgasm the "normal" way. yaa. Now go read up, you here?

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