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No SEX for you....

09 June 2005

So, I feel depressed. I'm just over my period so I have no good excuse. I mean, hormones are always fun to blame but what is this dark, heavy cloud doing over me? It just sits there.

Patient, gloomy, and most of all, sad. It's such a simple sadness in a way and also very deep and soul penetrating in another. I'm an emotional person....a sensitive person so these feelings that drag me down are not completely foreign.

I can hear K's voice in my head from high school saying that "I need Jesus." Ah...haha, well, maybe I do.

Not exactly. But there is a hole and every so often something triggers a tremor that reveals this inner vulnerability and it's just so lonely there. Part of me is tempted to craw in that hole and lie silent and feel it and examine it and the other fears even the recognition that it exists.

Disappointment, confusion, frustration.

The trigger this time? A book! I can't even remember the title or author or anything (when you listen to random books on CD this happens) but it's about three girls just out of college and coming of age. It kind of follows their lives and how their upbringing has brought them to their current state of mind and being. One girl married for comfort. She was poor and ended up with a well-off, decent, kind guy. She loved him...but she did not really love him the way you should a husband. Then she has an affair and her whole world falls apart as she gets pregnant (er, with her husband's father).

So, while the story isn't exactly mine (lol, thank goodness!) the way she expresses her confusion and hopeless in her relationship kind of felt...well close to home. To be so young and so mixed up�.what a pity.

I am young and what am I doing? It will be five years for us on Monday. When I tell people they�re usually stunned. I think part of it is that idea of�.well, why the hell are you not married already?! And I feel a little silly admitting it too. Kind of like�why would you stick around with a guy for that long and not even have an engagement. But, outside of what people think in an abstract way I don�t really care if we�re engaged or married or anything else. It�s the commitment that is the important part of the relationship and that is very much intact.

But what about love? I do love him. But it�s not the same. Back to my youth [insert inexperience] I do not know if this is natural or what is going on. Did I just max out the average (or slightly above average) relationship expiration? Is this when it gets a little tougher and I�m doing something wrong? Do relationships just kind of stall out and it�s up to the two to truly drive it to that next level? We never had a passionate love. I mean, I used to think that we never really had a �honeymoon� stage in a way because we were never having sex like crazy and I was never swooning over him in the way you think a girl does in a movie, book or magazine. We were passionate about each other, though. I loved seeing him and would get so excited about being with him. And I do recall a time where admiring his body or a visit to his place with visions of potential of sex awaiting. I was sexual at one time.

I am so non-sexual. There is so much contributing to that but I think ultimately I do not feel this is the right relationship for me. I do not think it is right for him. What I do not get is how he is so blinded that he does not see it. Or, if he does, perhaps in his own moment of quiet why does he not ever bring it up? When I brought my fears and concerns to him earlier this year why did he not have any for me?

And, like this book, the boy, the husband�he is just so thrilled to have found this great girl, this beautiful woman and even though she is kind and good to him (er, other than that whole affair thing) she does not provide him the sexual intimacy he desires. This of course upsets him but he seems fine to go about his life continuing on as is. I don�t want to continue on as is. I don�t think I can get over where we are. I think I could give more to this relationship than I do but I don�t have the energy to �save� it because in my heart I�ve already given it up.

When I went through my dark days which eventually led up to that pause in time where I could say aloud that I wasn�t in love in anymore�god, it hurt. It hurt so bad and was awful and miserable and�.Jeff hasn�t had that time to mourn the lost. Not only did I mourn I�ve had a lot of time to let that hurt slide off. I can�t say breaking up with Jeff will be easy or good. It won�t. I will be miserable. And maybe, if/when it happens I will find that there is something true inside that I have been ignoring and maybe I�ll want to be with Jeff and we can live happily ever after but I don�t think so.

Okay, so I wrote the above a couple of days ago. I�ll have these moments where I feel like updating but it�s kind of hard to do when you�re sitting mere inches away from someone else at the same table. Not that he cares what I�m doing or writing but if I saw him there writing out a book I�d be curious as to what he was doing. So I stopped when he came through the door.

It�s interesting how our dark days coincide sometimes. I felt he had been �distant� all of a sudden and asked him if there was something wrong�if it was me. He admitted he had been in a �funk� and he didn�t know why. Yeah, that�s my life story, isn�t it fun? Now just add a horrible daily headache, painful heart palpitations and you�d be me!

I have very obviously rejected his sexual advances these last few days. As much I say to myself when he�s not around that I�ll be better. That I�ll be the initiator. That I�ll blow his mind (among other things�) but then when an opportunity presents I just feel crushed by the boredom and utter lack of interest. I keep trying to get myself excited and say it�s for him that I should do it for him but my �positive thinking� method does not seem to be working. So fine, I don�t initiate�but then why can�t I at least play along when he does?

The problem (at least my excuse for now) is that when I crawl into bed I am there to sleep. I stay up as late as I feel comfortable doing without feeling too tired the next day and from the moment I begin my night time routine to the moment I walk out the door I�m on a time schedule and I like to keep it. So not only is sex not on the agenda when we go to sleep it annoys me because I want to make sure I get enough hours in so I feel functionable the next day. And what a bratty thought that is!

I mean, c�mon, he�s your boyfriend!


And even though I think you should do this, just turn over and kiss him. Do what ever you have to do to make your body work�do this, please. But, eventually, I give up and turn over and hope he just spoons me and falls asleep. We were drifting off to sleep last night and I was just kind of caressing his stomach while we both laid on our backs and he asked me for �side kisses.� This is kind of like code for go down on me. But, I out right denied him. Not only did I not bother to at least take a minute or two to shower his belly with kisses I just told him, �uh, no�I�m just going to sleep.� Lol, it�s funny only because if I didn�t laugh I would cry. It�s so pathetic. I feel pathetic.

Then, this morning, I had an extra hour to sleep because I was going downtown for a one-day conference/show I was attending and instead of allowing me this extra, blessed hour of sleep he arouses around the normal time we get up and begins to �initiate� sex. He�s kissing me, touching me, even going down on me which he hasn�t tried in forever (and, of course, I appreciate the effort but it still makes me squeamish so I�d really rather he didn�t�.) and I�m lying there just thinking�agh, I just want to sleep. Get up and shower already so it won�t ruin MY schedule.

It feels so selfish�well, because it is. And, he did �run over� into my morning time. By about 15 minutes and I tried my hardest to simply be pleasant and act like it didn�t bother me�.he did after all practically make love to my body for an hour and he got nothing out of the deal�.but I didn�t want to �do it� �I wanted to sleep.

It�s sad and I�m disappointed in myself.

I saw Angelina Jolie on Actor�s Studio on Bravo and she was just fabulous. What a beautiful woman inside and out. She just seems like someone I would love to be friends with. Very connected to herself and reality on a level that so many people never get close to attaining. And I�m not saying she has everything put together or is perfect or anything like that, but that important element, that awakening�she is awake. Plus, she just oozes sexuality so it�s hard to not find her at least a little bit mesmerizing. :-)

I miss having passionate people in my life. I feel very bored. And yes I know, only boring people get bored but it does help to have someone or something to inspire you. I�m feeling a bit uninspired here. While I like my work it�s more frustrating and overwhelming than satisfying at this point. There�s so much I don�t know how to do and no one in the office seems to know how to help me and my supervisor is out of the office half the time doing who knows what and when I do speak to her I leave feeling just as confused with the information she provides. It�s like everyone in that office has never worked with a �new� person before because they act like I should (and do) know everything. And not in a mean spirited way just� they don�t even think about the fact that I DON�T know a lot, often about things that I couldn�t or shouldn�t know�s so unique to their organization that why would I? Am when I express my confusion or provide them with my smiling but blank face they don�t seem to mind that I don�t know�but no one is making that extra effort to really guide me to that inner loop of things. Mostly, because they don�t know what I�m supposed to be doing either!

But, it�s like I�ll get an email saying something like, �XYZ Company will be doing a new demo workshop. We�ll need to send them an invoice, put them into the program, update the database and adjust the online listing.� I�m like�yes, these all sound like nice things. First, (er) what�s a demo workshop? Second, how do I invoice? Third, where all in the program is this referenced? In which file (of your many, multi database system) is the correct and most recent version? What all in the database needs to be updated�what are the steps (and what database)? How do I update the online listing?

And this is my day�all day long. I am constantly beat down by the fact that I don�t know how to do ANYTHING and that each step of the process is like pulling teeth to move on to the next.

So, as I said�.the work, keeping me busy and even though it�s not exactly pleasant right now because it�s hard on my soul to be constantly asking for help, I think I will actually like doing it. ;) Or, so I keep telling myself (no really�.) Ah.

I just want a really cool, funky, interesting person to enter my life. There�s this girl who works at my gym who I�m very attracted to. Not, like I want to jump her bones (although, she is very cute and petite) but more like she�s got her own style and is always so friendly. She�s always reading these interesting spiritual like books or chatting with others at the front desk on topics that I wouldn�t mind jumping in on myself. She looks young�perhaps more college aged? (ah, yes at 24 I am so old, right? ;) I get kind of excited when she�s working the desk when I come in like he�s some �hot guy� I have a crush on, isn�t that funny?

That�s how desperate I am to find a friend. I just want someone I can go hang out with.

I don�t know, Jeff and I cycle in and cycle through. The no-sex issue is a big one. We�ve probably been having sex twice a month�always him initiating and always quick, short and likely only semi-satisfying for him. I�d like to give him more but I�m never in the mood. And even if I am feeling horny I�d rather just go be alone and take care of business on my own. It�s not fair for him.

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