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i hate when my entry is erased!


You've got to be kidding me. So I entered the "name of this html page" at the bottom of the d-land "add an entry" page. Unfortunately I used a word that I had already titled an entry. So what happens? My whole entry is deleted.

Lol, oh god I hate the internet sometimes! Thankfully tv-land is keeping me happy and entertained tonight so I'll try not to let it bother me. (But it does.) I just wrote a very sensual, poetic entry, but I guess that will just be left to memory.

Woah, Julie really is the horny mormon girl. I'm watching the Real World. I think I liked this cast a lot. Wow, you just grow so much...I mean, just imagine constantly being on camera like that.

I would go insane.

Short story, since I just told it and it was erased. Parents away.

Jeff here.


It was Good.

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