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Meeting Kelly and Dreaming of Pizza

26 January 2005

So Jeff had a guest DJ spot downtown and I actually went out last Friday night. I felt ready to go out....I so often really don't feel like going places or doing something, but having all week to think about actually going somewhere and enjoying some good music and watch Jeff so happy to be playing I thought it had potential for a good time.

I was so happy that Jenny was available and we went downtown together. I've been to the bar before but only once and it was like over a year ago. It's a small loungy bar with leather sofas. My kind of place. Where one can drink a cocktail or a beer and you feel right at home either way.

Since I don't like going out for the most part, I find when I go out with Jeff and his friends i'm not a real fun person to be around. I'm I can see how I would be boring to them! But it's fun to "redeem" yourself. A couple of Jeff's buddies from HS were there and I had a really good time chatting with them and some of the friends they brought. I was buying shots for people, just having a general good time all over. I was getting drunk, but not sloppy or sickly, Jenny was meeting others too. My boyfriend was all cute and serious, worried about his set and all was going well.

There was a rather large group of people at the bar that all knew each other + the bartender. Jenny was befriended, and then slowly the whole crowd was introduced. Just a nice group of friend, fun people. I got to talking with this girl Kelly and we really hit it off. Well, not just with me, I mean she's the type that is just nice and laid back and easy to talk with. But it was nice to spend time with a girl (imagine meeting at a bar!) who was actually pretty cool.

We got into a conversation about where we worked and lived and I was exposed for living at home (I always try to pass it off by telling them what part of town I lived in....and then if they persue, I admit, I'm with my parents, haha). I tell Kelly that I'm actually looking (without getting into the details of Chicago) and she reveals that she actually has a spare bedroom in her condo. I tell her we should exchange numbers and if she's willing, I'd like to check it out.

Well, last night she called and we just had a fantastic phone call. I'm not even a phone person! But it just flowed and we were laughing and joking and she invited me over to check the place out. It's a *very* nice condo. Built within the last 2 years in a growing area. She has a roommate. I didn't ask how old they were but got the impression they were a year or so ahead of me. Then again, with the place they have, perhaps older. I believe both were doing quite well financially. The place is completely furnished by the two and Kelly was already talking about home improvement and building up their porch (she owns the condo, not just renting!!).

The spare bedroom is of decent size and the "old" furniture in it was actually pretty nice. Already has a bed, two dressers, mirror, computer desk, etc. Kelly and her roommate were also very nice. They asked if I wanted to stay and hangout which was a funny out-of-comfort zone experience.

I would have normally said I had to go. It's not that I don't like meeting new people (I really do!) I just find most be boring, haha.

I know, I'm not so wonderful myself, but just sitting around and talking with people is not my thing. I like to "hang" it's what I do most often, probably, but if there isn't something else going's awful. There needs to be a game, or a show, or some source of entertainment (even if that is the "clown" of the group to keep conversations going) but overall I just find those situations awkward and boring.

You could say, that's why I don't have many girlfriends. I think I'm pretty friendly and nice and I know a lot of people, I just don't get close to people because I don't have those ongoing dialogues. They are important when you look at the big picture but the everyday talking I find to be more of a chore than enjoyable.

But, I surprised myself and agreed to stay. Kelly was having a glass of wine and offered me some, and more surprising, I agreed! I don't really care for wine, and when I do drink it, it has to be white, but she was pouring red was rather enjoyable, hanging out with these cool girls, just lounging and drinking wine. I was there for almost 2 hours just hanging out and we always had things to talk about.

They were both very sweet and rent would actually be affordable. It's obvious that Kelly is taking a heavier chunk of the expenses (well, it is her house) plus she has the largest room with a private bath) but even still at $400-450 (utilities included), I can handle that.

It also wouldn't be a bad drive to work. Maybe 20-25? I'm spoiled with my 12-15 min. drive right now, but now that I listen to books on tape, driving is much more enjoyable. Sometimes I even go out during for lunch, looking for an excuse to keep "reading" if it's a good book. And, I'm still free from having to get on any freeways. And, this could be a good or bad thing, but the place is just pass a major mall,haha.

So, what do I do? I need advice! My mom thinks this is totally weird and wants me to get to know the girls better. Which....sounds like a good idea, but I'm confident I've got a pretty good feel for their personalities. Maybe that's just a naive Aglaia, but so few people are so naturally cool like that, I think it will be fine. They're both young professionals, which is exactly what I'd be looking for.

I mean, it's pretty near perfect, especially with it being an extra bedroom, that doesn't need to be rented out...they were using it as an office! So I wouldn't be on a lease, I don't even have to buy any furniture.

The hard can I move out of my house, if I'm about to move to Chicago? Jeff is going next week for his first go at it. He has one interview lined up. I still don't feel like he completely has his act together. He keeps making excuses for things (computer problems) that seem potentially legitimate, but I feel like I've been going along with his excuses all along. I feel bad because I know a job isn't something that you just go out and get. It does take a lot of work it also takes a lot of luck and being in the right time, right place sort of thing.

I think he's had plenty of time to prove himself and yes, he was working full time at this past job that meant nothing, but that was his choice. I know he wasn't thrilled with serving (I was pretty miserable myself) but at least our job there gave us all day free (the restaurant was only open at night) plus it was closed on Sunday. So there was a lot of space there to really get focussed, work on that job search, even interview during the day, plus take a Sunday to re-energize and re-focuse.

Instead he takes a stupid data entry job which practically made him as miserable, maybe more so, plus it ruined some relationships he had with friends that were also working at the same place. Oh yeah, a year + later and he still isn't working anywhere better.

Argh, I feel so cranky right now. I'm not even on my period! This will sound dumb, but I've been really focused on my eating habits and losing some of the weight I gained last year. Although Jeff swears he can't tell a difference (and I believe he feels that way) and all the mom's will tell you I look great, it doesn't change the fact that I can't fit into some of my clothes right now. Yes, I'm probably still "thin" to most people, but it's not at a weight that makes me happy. Just because I'm not obese doesn't mean I can't stand to lose some weight.

It's all relative. Until I'm a size 2 crying about my weight (which, I will never be...not even a size 4!) then I don't think people should worry themselves if I talk about getting fit! Anyway, I've been "sugar free" since January 3rd. For anyone who knows me, I *love* chocolate. And cookies and ice cream and anything sweet. I really think I have an addiction to it. There is no moderation or self-control. Once I have a bite it gets in my system and I think about it. I can't stop thinking about it.

Over the holidays at work, if I had one piece at work, I would think about eating another for the rest of the day...and I'd usually indulge. I can't tell you how much choclate I was eating between work and my own house (my mother MAKES chocolate candies to sell!!) it's disgusting. I truly have a problem. And there is no sensible moderation in my head. To me, it's like asking an alcoholic to just have a drink. It simply isn't happening. If i have it, I want to have it all. And if I just have a little and don't indulge the way I like, it's like I'm completely limiting myself and it's terrible.

So, I decided I just couldn't eat all. I haven't had any sugar other than natural sugars in my food like fruit. While it's sad like missing a good friend, it's actually been okay. Simply accepting that I don't eat that stuff has been much easier than having a little and feeling deprived all the time. Or thinking I can work out longer just to have some ice cream, or limiting meals all day to eat chocolate. It's an awful cycle.

So, not only have I stopped all that kind of snacking, I've also been counting calories. It does suck and you do feel a bit like a machine, but it's not so bad. I don't ever feel deprived of food. As long as you eat "calorie bargains" that fill you up but aren't high in calories you do pretty good.

I've lost 5.5 pounds so far this month. It's such a relief. Ah, the old fashioned way of working out and eating actually works. ;) I've still got a way to go, I used to be that skinny girl in HS and it still a shock that I can't anything I want and not worry about it. Obesity runs in my family and I'm also concerned about that. I know I'm not "fat" by any means, but I still want to feel confident with my body.

It's also been a nice relief from all the exercise. Even with working out everyday I was still gaining weight. It was the food that was the biggest problem. Now that I've been eating sensibly I've taken the luxury of having a day off from the gym (it's amazing how much longer my evening is when you cut out the time going to/from gym, actually working out and showering). The nice thing is, and the most encouraging, is that I'm still losing weight.

But, I walk in my house tonight and what was sitting out on our table?


Aghd! Although I've cut out the sweets which is the biggest issues. I love pizza (who doesn't!) and it is definitely not a calorie bargain. It was so depressing.

When I don't have stuff around me or think about it, I don't feel deprived, I'm just doing my own thing. But it's like someone gave me a gift but I wasn't able to open it.

Well, I was good. I had a boca burger and green beans instead. But, I am one cranky girl right now because I know it's sitting out there, oh so good, and I can't have it.

Perhaps once I'm in maintenance I can have it every once in awhile. But not now, where I'm trying so hard to watch everything. It's just not worth it.

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