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I want to know you (Jeff) more.

22 July 2000

From the other diary.

Six months. After six months you will know, you should know if you are in love/love the person you are with. We are on our way. I think we have a definite "feel" for each other. (And I like what I have seen.) I like how I know he's from the rich part of town, but isn't a snob (and recognizes how stupid it is to act like that.) I like how his friends have to rag on him for not drinking enough (although he does drink ;) I like how he gets embarressed (it's good to be humbled at times.) I like how he has more clothes than me (but appreciates the chill clothes.) I like him. I like him a lot.

I think it's time for me to take the risk, take the plunge, ask him to open something up for me. Ask myself to open a little to him. I don't really know how to do it. I want to be able to ask him about God, and not apologize or oversimplify what I believe, or apologize for us having sex, when I know he's catholic. I want him to be able to recognize that something is out of line (either his parent's faith, or himself for acting outside of it.) I want to find out what he really believes about our world, about other people, about society's condition. I want to know what he thinks about us, about relationships, about love. I want to know what his core values are.

I want to know what makes him cry. (If anything does.) I want to know what makes him laugh, what he loves, what he can't stand.

I want to get into playful arguments, engaging conversations. I want to explore each other's sexually (openly). I want to know his fears(the deep ones.) I want to know his passionate dreams (the life ones.) I want to know what annoys him, what he can't live without. It's about turning wants into realities. I can do this. If I ever want to grow in my path of relationships, I must start (from here.)

I imagine that the point of have gotten to in my life (really in all aspects) is at the standstill because I've just let things be. It's time for me to make the move.

Be prepared.

(I'm coming.)

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