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fuck you

18 June 2000

It seems unfair, that sometimes, the computer decides that when I press the delete button, or the backspace to edit, it should take the liberty to decode this buttonage as a rule to hit the "back" button on the web. While annoying, yes, I finally found out that pressing the forward, quickly took you back to what you were writing.

But tonight--

It didn't.

I can't tell you how upsetting that is. Not that I said anything particulary stunning, but it was from my heart (and no, not another god ramble. ;) and it was written for once, in a tone i felt comfortable with, that wasn't speaking to anyone, but myself, to my parents whom it was directed.

I apologize for any misuse of "whom", commas, and semi-colens. I like them, and don't know how to use them.

And I'm highly emotional, and don't even really care that I "lost" an entry, but I feel like bursting into tears and running up to my room, for no good reason, other than the fact that I'll chock it up to female unbalancing, perhaps it's the pill just working itself in. It's a mystery.

Hey, fuck you alright.

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